Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Little Mermaid Bedroom

For the third installation of bedroom inspirations, I chose The Little Mermaid. Ariel is my favorite Disney princess so I thought it was important that she be next.

I liked this palate from design-seeds.com, because it incorporates the pinks, purples, blues and greens that are prominent in the movie, but also mutes them a bit. They are all so vibrant, much like Ariel's personality, but it would be overwhelming to include them all in a space at full saturation, so muted is good.

For bedding, something luxurious and fluffy is appropriate, and why not make it sea-foam green so that you can sleep in an sea bed... Get it? I thought it would be cute to add lots of distressed wood, like maybe for a desk, like in the photo. It represents the wood from sunken ships that Ariel likes to explore so much.
Definitely add shelves and fill them with all sorts of human treasures... books, art, little knick-knacks... I think you know where I'm going with this. The goal here is for someone to look at it and think you're the girl, the girl who has everything. Think, "How many wonders can one cavern hold?" and then put that many things on there. But keep it organized. No one likes a messy treasure trove.
Little pops of the bold reds and purples can be found in decor or furniture, like those pictured. Make your seating fun but luxurious, as you'll need something comfortable to rest after using your human legs all day.  I've included some pretty purple vases as well that look like colored sea glass.
Occasional accents, like starfish, pillows, and throws, make you feel like you might be near the water without overwhelming you with tacky beach decor. This ship print is pretty nifty.
For lighting, a chandelier is all too appropriate for a princess. And the shimmery tear drop crystals are like bubbles!
That's all for Ariel's room, and I think it came together quite swimmingly, don't you?
images via google, pinterest, and here

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